It's November 1, which means today's the start of
National Novel Writing Month, affectionately referred to as
During the month of November every year, writers of all stripes from all over the world come together to do what we love: Write, write, write!
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NaNoWriMo participants set a goal of writing an entire 50,000-word novel (approximately 175 pages) from beginning to end in just one month's time. It's a huge challenge, but lots of people enjoy the community feeling of writing alongside friends.
When you join NaNoWriMo, you get to:
- Choose a username for your account
- Track your daily word count and upload your writing
- Log in and chat with other writers for encouragment
- Be part of an exciting movement of creative people who just want to write their hearts out
I've tried NaNoWriMo twice now, and I never made the 50,000 word goal. (I eventually finished my novels--just not in one month!) For me, it's still fun to try. Maybe for you, too.
Check it out!
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